PCPは、3、4年生向けの選抜制のAll Englishプログラムです(2005年度開講)。グローバル社会で活躍することを目指す学生が対象です。プログラムは、英語でのコミュニケーション力と経済学の実証分析の知識を習得できる2つの必修科目が中心です。1〜2年かけてプログラムを修了すると(指定科目20単位)、経済学部長名と学長名入りのPCP certificateが授与されます。タイプA/B生、PEARL生、交換留学生含む多様性ある学習環境で楽しく学んでいます。
* 研究会との同時履修可能。
The Professional Career Programme (PCP) is an all-English programme for selected third- and fourth- year students (since AY2005). It is aimed at students who plan to build a career in an internationalized environment. The programme centers around the two required courses designed to help students develop the skills to communicate effectively in English and conduct their own empirical research in economics. Upon completing the programme in one to two years (earning a total of 20 credits from designated courses), PCP students will be awarded a PCP Certificate, which is signed by the President of Keio University and the Dean of the Faculty of Economics. The diverse student body including Type A/B, PEARL, and exchange students creates a stimulating and fun leaning environment.
* Possible to join PCP concurring with the Research Seminar.