


専攻: 国際金融論・マクロ経済学
開講言語: 英語
Pearl生の卒業論文の言語: 英語での卒論執筆可

〇main activities
1. Reading IMF reports “World Economic Outlook”
The WEO quarterly presents a detailed analysis of the current global economy by IMF staff. We will read the WEO to deepen our understanding on the current state of the global economy. The latest issue (October 2023) features recent slowdown of recovery from the pandemic recession and its causes.

2. Empirical studies using Python
We will learn how to use Python for basic econometric analysis and then apply these methods to empirical studies using data from the IMF, World Bank, etc.

〇Seminar information
Seminars are conducted in English.
Wednesdays 3rd and 4th periods (scheduled).
Accept students from Type A/B, Pearl, DD, and other departments.
Current third-year Pearl students who are not enrolled in any seminars will be considered for acceptance.


松本英彦(マツモト ヒデヒコ)

Matsumoto Hidehiko

・Specializes in international finance, with a special focus on capital flows and financial crises.
・Work experience at NHK, Bank of Japan, and GRIPS.