Our seminar centers around the study of taxation, finance, and social welfare through the lens of public finance, public economics, and political economics. The seminar encompasses both the lecture style learning, and interactive in-depth learning through discussions. The beginning of spring semester focuses on building up knowledge in public economics, and public finance, both essential as the foundations for future analysis. As the end of spring semester approaches, the focus shifts to the application of learned theories, and analysis methods applicable to the real world. This is highlighted by the Mita festival research paper, as well as the beginning of our investigation into themes to cover in our graduation thesis. We will write our Mita festival research paper in groups, and continue to work on our graduation thesis throughout the fall semester, accompanied by an interim presentation. Furthermore, the sub seminar conducted mainly by the students enables us to learn and teach each other about applicable statistical tools, and analysis methods based on a textbook.
Terai Kimiko Seminar(P)

Terai Kimiko
Our seminar aims to develop students who are able to analyze policy measures through public economics, and public finance, moreover to develop the habit of constantly applying theories to the real world. In order to achieve such aims, we value student interaction, especially by taking the time for students to discuss with each other. This is highlighted in the writing for the Mita festival research paper, as students collaborate in groups to put our heads together, and share ideas. Even in the process of writing the graduation thesis, we value the atmosphere that enables students to freely discuss and exchange knowledge. Through interactive lectures and discussions, our seminar aims to develop applicable knowledge and methodology to analyze the real world of policy measures, through the lens of public finance, public economics, and political economics.
© 慶應義塾大学 経済学部ゼミナール委員会